Web In A Box's Cloud Infrastructure allows you to quickly allocate additional IP addresses to your server.
1. Navigate to http://cloud.webinabox.net.au and login with your user details, which are the same as your Web In A Box dashboard.
2. Select Virtual Machines from the left hand side and then click on the name of your Server.3. Select "Networking" from the top menu and then select "IP Addresses"
4. Select "Allocate New Ip Address Assignment"
5. Select your main network interface from the "Network Interface" drop down menu. In most cases it should be "eth0"
6. Select an IP Address from the IP Pool using the "IP Address" drop down menu and select "Add IP Address Assignment".
For IPv6 addresses, you can either scroll to the bottom of the list, or select "Show only IPv6".7. Your IP address is now ready to use. You can either configure your server with the new address manually, or, you can have OnApp do this for you by selecting "Rebuild Network". This may reboot your server depending on the template you are using.
8. Your server should now be running with its new IP Address.
IP Address Allocation Print
Created by: Reyhan Lange-Kapancioglu
Modified on: Thu, 12 Dec, 2019 at 9:55 AM
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